Two perplexing observations that have repeatedly surfaced among the more than 3,800 planetary systems cataloged to date can be exp...
The James Webb Telescope (JWST) has been used by a group of Canadian astronomers, including specialists from the Dunlap Institute...
It may take planets around most stars millions of years longer to form than previously believed, which is good news for late bloom...
Light's effects on matter are demonstrated by a set of stars in our galaxy. Light from stars exerts a pressure on space dust, chan...
Even with the most powerful technology that humanity have access to at this time, mapping out the cosmos is a difficult task. Even...
Thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, people on Earth are gaining a completely fresh perspective on the rings of Neptune. Nept...
An international team of scientists recently announced the finding of two new exoplanets, each roughly 40% larger than Earth, and...
Hello, HIP 65426 b! This jumble of letters and digits belongs to an extrasolar planet that was the topic of the James Webb Space T...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been detected in the atmosphere of a Saturn-sized planet 700 light-years away, marking the first unambigu...
Massimo Pascale did not intend to investigate the SMACS 0723 galaxy cluster. However, as soon as he saw the cluster glistening in...