In the cosmic theater, where the grand narratives of celestial phenomena unfold, there exists an ensemble of particles that dance...
At CERN, the group headed by Dr. Jamieson is set to conduct pivotal research of tremendous significance. Their commitment will assist in deciphering the mysteries associated with neutrinos through the refinement of measurement methodologies. This initiative, which builds on his earlier work from the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment in Japan, is a crucial step towards the development of a measurement system that is more precise.
The 50th anniversary of one of CERN's most significant achievements, the detection of weak neutral currents, is celebrated in July 2023. CERN, a global hub for particle physics research located near Geneva, Switzerland, was the epicenter of this milestone.
The realm of particle physics, with its intricate mosaic of particles, is far from what we perceive with our naked eyes. Among all the characters in this astounding cosmic drama known as the Standard Model, only photons – the carriers of light – can be said to be somewhat discernible.
Nestled within the confines of CERN's Neutrino Platform on the Prévessin campus in France are two colossal structures encased in a vibrant red grating. These structures, chambers resplendent in gleaming stainless steel, form the cryostat modules of the ProtoDUNE experiment.
In the colossal aftermath of the Big Bang, a staggering 13.8 billion years ago, a symphony of particles burst into existence, encompassing matter and its elusive antimatter counterpart—each possessing an opposing electrical charge.
The essential characteristics of the proton, such as its mass and spin, are still poorly understood by physicists more than a cent...
The ghost is finally inside the machine: scientists have successfully produced neutrinos in a particle collider for the first time...
To understand why the neutrino can provoke a revolution, we need some history. In the early 1960s the situation in theoretical phy...
Dark matter could be composed of ultralight dark photons that have heated our universe. This is a new scenario proposed in a study...