In a laboratory under a mountain, scientists are studying ethereal particles with crystals much colder than frozen air, hoping to...
Lia Merminga, a world-renowned physicist and scientific leader, has been named director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,...
The power of the Higgs boson's interaction with the charm quark has been severely limited by new ATLAS and CMS investigations....
Borexino is a large-scale particle physics experiment that will continue to gather data until October 20, 2021. The Borexino detec...
Professor Costas Vayenas and his colleagues Dionysios Tsousis and Dimitrios Grigoriou show how applying special relativity to neut...
The decision to develop the LBNF/DUNE megaproject in two parts would add to the already exorbitant expenditures. Due to cost ov...