Dark matter stands as a perplexing enigma within contemporary cosmology. While astronomers have amassed an abundance of corroborating evidence via statistics on galaxy clustering, the bending of light due to gravity, and fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, the absence of particles within the conventional model of particle physics capable of elucidating dark matter remains apparent.
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where time and space danced their intricate ballet, a symphony of particles emerged moments after the Big Bang. Among these ethereal performers were neutrinos, the enigmatic messengers of the universe's infancy. As we embark on a journey into the depths of time, we uncover the fascinating role of neutrinos in the early universe, their contribution to the cosmic neutrino background, and their harmonious influence on the formation of the colossal cosmic structures we behold today.
Each moment, more than 100 trillion neutrinos course through our bodies undetected. Neutrinos are subatomic entities that are plentiful throughout the cosmos. They have a special trait — they seldom interact with other matter, making them elusive and challenging to spot. Investigating neutrinos can offer vital revelations regarding fundamental queries about the cosmos, as they are potential candidates for dark matter.
Around the globe, physicists are striving to identify dark matter (DM) particles and their interactions with observable matter employing a range of tactics and detectors. Given these particles do not emit, reflect or absorb light, they have hitherto been exceedingly challenging to detect, particularly via standard experimental procedures.
Relying on computational models, a global group of cosmologists has revealed that scrutinizing gravitational waves emitted from coalescing black holes could disclose the genuine essence of dark matter.
Recently, the IceCube neutrino observatory, located beneath the Amundsen-Scott station in Antarctica, achieved the remarkable feat of capturing an image of the Milky Way. What sets this accomplishment apart is that it was achieved not through the use of visible light, but by utilizing neutrinos originating from the core of our galaxy. Why is this discovery significant, how does artificial intelligence play a role, and what exactly are neutrinos? Today, we will delve into these questions.
Neutrinos, often referred to as "phantom particles," possess extraordinary properties that offer profound insights into the workings of the universe. Despite their elusive nature and ability to traverse matter undetected, scientists have devised ingenious methods to uncover the secrets carried by these elusive entities.
For years, scientists have been aware that the visible Universe is constructed upon a foundation of dark matter. Yet, the true nat...
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), which made important advancements in astroparticle physics, has moved into a new stage. SN...
Few things have the same air of enigma surrounding them as dark matter. Even the name suggests something hidden in the universe's...