The universe whispers its secrets in enigmatic ways, and neutrinos—tiny, near-invisible particles—are among its most cryptic messengers. Over the next decade, humanity stands poised to decode their story, unraveling clues about the cosmos' origins and our place within it. These particles, once considered almost irrelevant due to their weak interactions with matter, now hold the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
In the quiet, often overlooked corners of scientific exploration, some of the most groundbreaking discoveries are made. Take, for example, the nearly invisible neutrino—once considered little more than a theoretical curiosity. Yet today, these elusive particles are at the center of a global research effort aimed at transforming our understanding of the universe.
Beneath the fabric of reality, where atoms whirl and light bends through the void, there exists a hidden world of particles so elusive that they could pass through light-years of solid lead without leaving a trace. These ghost-like entities, known as neutrinos, hold the key to unraveling some of the universe's most profound mysteries.
Each moment, more than 100 trillion neutrinos course through our bodies undetected. Neutrinos are subatomic entities that are plentiful throughout the cosmos. They have a special trait — they seldom interact with other matter, making them elusive and challenging to spot. Investigating neutrinos can offer vital revelations regarding fundamental queries about the cosmos, as they are potential candidates for dark matter.
Air Products is set to deliver a bespoke nitrogen liquefaction equipment suite to the Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) to bolster research related to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, or DUNE. The DUNE research endeavor will be conducted over a mile beneath the ground within the South Dakota Black Hills, situated at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, often referred to as Fermilab.